Changing lives one patient at a time
Because of your donations, we are able to acquire specialized equipment and critical medical supplies to support caring hospital workers who perform lifesaving service throughout our community. We love to share stories of how your support affects the lives of patients at University Medical Center. Nothing compares to hearing testimonies from the patients themselves. These incredible stories form the groundwork for our efforts and fuel our passion to help make healthcare accessible to everyone in our region.
Some might call Jaclyn Pellicote's story nothing short of a miracle. The following video chronicals why she is grateful for the services provided by UMC and why she's thankful to even be alive.
Share Your Story
If you find yourself excited to share your positive experience at UMC with family and friends, we would love to amplify your voice and your audience! Every testimony has the potential of inspiring others to join our mission to ensure healthcare services across the Southwest Border.