All donations received by the Foundation are used for the sole purpose of supporting University Medical Center of El Paso in ways that extraordinarily impact patient care. If funds are specifically designated, they will only be used for that purpose. These designated funds cannot be used for operating expenses.
University Medical Center of El Paso Foundation is the designated charitable 501(c)3 for University Medical Center of El Paso-FEIN 74-2540513.
Yes, Donors may designate their gifts for a specific department, service line, project, or piece of equipment. Unrestricted gifts allow the Foundation to allocate the money to the area of greatest need.
Thank you so much for your consideration in donating to the University Medical Center Foundation of El Paso. Please call us at (915) 521-7229.
If you would like to explore the varied ways of giving, please click here.
University Medical Center Foundation of El Paso
303 N. Oregon St.
Suite 1200
El Paso, TX 79901
Car Seat Program
Please click here to complete the form for registration for the El Paso Health Car Seat Program.
Please click here for volunteer opportunities. Once the volunteer form is submitted, the Foundation’s Community Programs team will contact you to further explore how to make an extraordinary impact in our community.
About UMC Foundation
University Medical Center Foundation of El Paso is the fundraising arm of the hospital. We connect donors who are passionate about improving healthcare in the greater El Paso region with opportunities to give and make an extraordinary difference.
Reach our helpful and knowledgeable team to discuss giving, programs, or other opportunities by clicking on this LINK. You will be contacted by the appropriate staff member to assist you.
No it does not. The Foundation efforts finance equipment, programming and services at UMC to maintain the highest level of healthcare for the El Paso region. If you need patient financial assistance call UMC Patient Financial Services @ (915) 521-7900.